नेपालबाट ल्याइने श्रमिकहरूको मागपत्र प्रमाणिकरण

Foreign Workers Demand Attestation for the Recruitment from Nepal

Any employers who are authorized to recruit foreign workers and wishes to recruit from Nepal can submit Demand Documents for Embassy"s attestation upholding following Standard Operating Procedures. Employer does not need to fill up this online application form who is willing to attest renewed KDN approval only.

A. Sign Up for Online Demand Attestation
This is to inform all concerned that the Embassy of Nepal, Kuala Lumpur has introduced Online Demand Attestation effective from 16 July 2024.
For this purpose, the concerned Employer/Company can create a user registration:
log-in ID through the official website https://demand.nepalconsular.gov.np/
The user registration log-in ID will be enabled soon and will also be notified about
the commencement of the Online Demand Attestation process.
Procedure for New Demand Attestation:

Step 1: Mandatory Online Application Form to be filled Prior to Submission at the Embassy

कागजात बुझाउन अगाडी अनिवार्य रूपमा भर्नुपर्ने अनलाईन फाराम

Search and Choose Recruitment Agencies in Nepal

Step 2: Submit Documents and Get Approval

Documents Submission: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 14:00-16:00 from 15th November 2022
Attested Documents Collection: Monday-Friday from 10:00-16:00

Required Documents for Attestation/Checklist of DocumentCHECKLIST-FOR-DEMAND-DOCUMENTS1-2s (Malaysia)

1. Application letter to the Embassy of Nepal, Kuala Lumpur [Specific Format] and Letter of Undertaking [Specific Format]

2. Copy of KDN quota approval (Bahasa Malay) valid for more than 30 days.
3. English translation of KDN quota approval letter (by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka /Court interpreter or translator) attested by Consular Division of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs, Malaysia
4. Demand Letter signed in every pages by the employer and attested by the Department of Labour of Malaysia and the Consular Division of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs, Malaysia. There should be JTK Stamp on every pages of Demand Letter. Specific Format pdf Word Demand Letters for Security Sector
5. Employment Contract signed on every pages by the Employer and stamped (Only for security Sector). [Specific Format]

5.1 Employment Contract signed on every pages by the Employer and stamped (For Other Sector). [Specific Format]

6. Power of Attorney [Specific Format] The Power of Attorney should clearly mention the issue and expiry date. It must not exceed 2 years. (For example, if the issue date is 1st of June 2022 then the expiry date will be at maximum 30th of May 2024). Date should be printed, not handwritten.

7. Check List [Specific Format] (Only For Security Sector)

8. Assurance Note [Specific Format] (Only For Security Sector)
9. Client List [Specific Format (Only For Security Sector)

10. Demand letter, employment contract and related documents should be strictly signed by the Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director or Manager authorized by the company. The documents should be submitted to the Embassy by the CEO or Executive Director or authorized Manager. The following documents of the authorized person should be submitted for submission and collection of the documents:• Authorization letter
• Form 9- Company Registration Certificate (SSM)
• Form 49 - Register of Company Directors
• Copy of the EPF contribution receipt
• Copy of NRIC/Passport

11. List of currently working Nepali nationals with their passport number and contact numbers
12. Other relevant documents / Information:
13. Salary slips of latest three months of existing Nepalese workers
14. List of client/s where the Nepalese workers are to be deployed by the company (for the service sectors like security & cleaning

15. Hostel Accreditation Certificate/Copy of Application submitted to JTK for Accreditation


Require documents for attestation of extended Power of Attorney/KDN Approval Letter.

  1. Application letter (signed by the Director with Company seal) along with the Lot Number (from Nepal Manpower Agency).
  2. Authorization letter for the company personnel with EPF statement.
  3. Copy of Previous Original Quota (KDN/KSM) approval letter.
  4. Copy of English-translated Quota (KDN/KSM) letter and Power of Attorney, Previously attested by the Embassy.
  5. If the KDN letter is extended, the Original (Bhasa) and an English translation copy attested by MOFA.
  6. A new Power of Attorney (explaining the reason for extension, where the issue date of the New Power of Attorney must align and start from the expiry date of the previous Power of Attorney, which should not be valid for more than 2 years from initial approval date).
  7. The calling visa of the remaining workers.


  1. Authorised person visit Level 3 or Level 9 for submission along with all documents mentioned above.
  2. Attestation fee: RM 500 for each extended POA and extended KDN.

Required Documents for Attestation/Checklist of Documents (for Brunei)

  1. Application letter to the Embassy of Nepal, Kuala Lumpur [Specific Format] and Letter of Undertaking [Specific Format]
  2. Copy of Clearance Letter from JobCentre Brunei (Bahasa Malay) valid for more than 60 days.
  3. English translation of Jobcentre Clearance (by Court interpreter or translator) attested by Department of Protocol and Consular Affairs of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs, Brunei Darussalam.
  4. Demand Letter signed and stampped in every pages by the employer and attested by the Department of Labour of the Brunei Darussalam and the Department of Protocol and Consular Affairs of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs. There should be Department of Labor Stamp on every pages of Demand Letter. Specific Format pdf Word
  5. Employment Contract signed and stamped on every pages by the Employer. [Specific Format]
  6. Power of Attorney [Specific Format]. The Power of Attorney should clearly mention the issue and expiry date. It must not exceed 2 years. (For example, if the issue date is 1st of June 2022 then the expiry date will be at maximum 30th of May 2024). Date should be printed, not handwritten.
  7. Client List
  8. Check List
  9. Assurance Note
  10. Demand letter, employment contract and related documents should be strictly signed by the Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director or Manager authorized by the company. The documents should be submitted to the Embassy by the CEO or Executive Director or authorized Manager.
  11. The following documents should also be submitted along with demand documents:
  12. • Copy of Company Registration (Form X)/16 & 17
    • Copy of IC/Passport of the Director/Employer.
    • Hostel Certificates if available along with clear photographs of Hostel as well as the Workplace.
    • Authorization letter in case Company official is visiting the Embassy to submit the documents.
    • A copy of the tenancy agreement for office, business premises, or company and worker residence. (if applicable)
  13. List of currently working Nepali nationals (if any) with their passport number and contact numbers
  14. Other relevant documents / Information:
    • Salary slips of latest three months of existing Nepalese workers
    • List of client/s where the Nepalese workers are to be deployed by the company (for the service sectors like security & cleaning)
  15. In the event the Company Official cannot submit the document physically, they should email the scanned copy of the whole set of document to the Embassy. After receiving the preliminary approval to submit the document, the Company should fill up the online form and send the physical documents through courrier/mail. Submission fee can be transferred through Bank account and share the transfer receipt. You can contact to our Account Section for the Bank Account Number.
  16. If you have any queries, please email us.

Fees/Charges for Attestation
Attestation of Workers Demand Documents (1-25 workers) MYR 1200.00
Attestation of Workers Demand Documents (26-100 workers) MYR 1450.00
Attestation of Workers Demand Documents (101 and above) MYR 1700.00
Correction of Demand letter related documents (per document) MYR 500.00

Collection of Attested Documents

Pending Demand Letters : There is no any pending demand document so far. If you have any confusion on this matter kindly contact to 03-20201898/1899 at anytime or visit Room No. 301 on Monday and Friday and Counter No. 2 of Level 1 from Tuesday to Thursday of the Embassy from 14:00 to 16:30 and clear your pending issues for the attestation of pending demand letters.

If your document has not been attested and is not in the pending list either, please email at eonkualalumpur@mofa.gov.np. Demand documents with following receipt are in the process for clearance. So Directors of the concerned companies are advised to contact to 0320201898/1899 to get appointment for meeting to clear their issues and get attestation approval.

This is to inform all the concerned that the Government of Malaysia has implemented a basic minimum salary of MYR1500 since 01 May 2022. In this regard, the Embassy shall attest only those demand documents which guarantee for the implementation of the minimum monthly basic wage of MYR1500. The Embassy informs the concerned employers, whose demand documents are in the process of attestation at the Embassy, to revise the designated pages of Demand Documents and Contract of Employment, and submit to the Embassy.

For More Information
Labour Section, Embassy of Nepal, Wisma Paradise, No. 63 Jalan Ampang, 50450, Kuala Lumpur
email: eonkualalumpur@mofa.gov.np or labor.eonkl@mofa.gov.np Phone: +60-3-2020 1901